My mom was in town last weekend, and one of our stops was my favorite butcher, Avon Prime Meats. Aside from the Berkshire Pork Chops, Lemon Pepper Chicken &…
My original plan was to post these for National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, which takes place every year on April 12th. But, lucky for me, my procrastination hasn’t totally…
I realized something the other day. In 4.5 years of this blog’s existence, I have posted exactly two mac and cheese recipes. TWO. That, my friends, is a travesty.…
You guys. So this new schedule is kind of kicking my ass. For those of you who are unaware, ESPN started a new morning Sports Center exactly 5 weeks…
My friend Devon and I have this hilariously awesome Christmas present tradition in which we insist on buying each other some sort of kitchen or food related gift. It…
I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the early mornings. Never once in the past year has my alarm gone off and I’ve thought to myself “Wow,…
Sing it with me now… “Chicken Parm you taste so good…” It’s funny the places I draw my inspiration. I actually thought of this recipe during one of those…
How is it possible that Christmas is in a week?!? I feel like I got back from Mexico, blinked and it was Christmas. I also feel like I probably…
Perhaps it’s my Montana roots or my rural upbringing (I grew up on a cattle ranch/wheat farm ’til the age of 5), or the fact that my Granddad once…
Z is for: Zucchini Muffins with Cherries & Chocolate {Gluten Free} + a Costco Giveaway
I love me some Costco. Sometimes people are surprised I shop there considering I live by myself. But you don’t have to be a big family to make a…